Community Acupuncture


I was inspired to startThe Drop in Community Acupuncture in Jersey back in January 2018.

What is Community Acupuncture?

Community Acupuncture is the term used to describe the multi-bed way of working as practiced in China and Asia.

In the UK and the West,  Acupuncture is carried out on a one to one basis, where one patient is seen in a private room lasting up to an hour. This can cost anywhere from 40 to 100 pounds.

Acupuncture is an accumulative form of therapy, and quite often a series of treatments are necessary to treat a chronic issue. This can become expensive, especially if one does not have medical insurance that covers Acupuncture treatment. In China Acupuncture has always been carried out in a multi-bed setting where many people have Acupuncture at the same time, and because of this it is low cost.

I have had much experience working in this way from the work I have done in India, and south east Asia. There is a lovely atmosphere to group treatment something that has become rare in our society.  Most people feel comfortable in these settings however in some cases one might prefer a private session, which I offer Tuesdays to Fridays.



One of the biggest challenges I see is  that sometimes people cannot keep up the frequency of Acupuncture treatments that is necessary to come back to balance. Acupuncture is an accumulative form of treatment, quite often once a week is not enough, this is also where this service has been helping many people. They can come for their second or third session in a week low cost. This helps the overall cost of the treatment plan.

At the Drop in Clinic I combine different styles so I can offer the most effective treatment I can. I use Traditional TCM acupuncture as practiced in hospitals in China. I use  Master Tung system and Balance method styles and I use Zhu Scalp Acupuncture and Auricular therapy. To read more about these systems please go to their pages under ACUPUNCTURE.

The Drop in Community Acupuncture is also a great way to see if Acupuncture can help, why not try at such a low cost?

All conditions are welcome.


    If you would like to discuss your needs, have any questions about the practice or would like to book an appointment please use the button below.